Empowering Resilient Students: FL Initiative - Info Panameña

Empowering Resilient Students: FL Initiative

As Resiliency Florida classroom teaching aids and recommended reading materials are introduced in schools, parents can access discussion guides to encourage family conversations and participate in their child’s resiliency education.

To access Resiliency Florida materials, visit the new Resiliency Florida website at: BuildResiliency.org.

First Lady DeSantis launched the Resiliency Florida initiative in February of 2021 to equip Florida’s youth with the skills to overcome life’s challenges. In March of 2023, the State Board of Education adopted the First Lady’s recommendations for this first-in-the-nation approach on resiliency education designed to impart critical skills in early grades and to support students as they demonstrate those concepts in later grades. The standards embed concepts of civic responsibility through citizenship and mentorship to not only help students understand the value of these ideas, but to actively engage in activities and exercises that will prepare them to be upstanding, responsible citizens. In addition to the resources announced today, the Department has developed additional pathways for adults and parents, school counselors, and educators to help students build resiliency.

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